Monday, December 04, 2006

Ladies and germs

Guess who is home sick again today?? Yep. After being home two and a half days last week because of a stomach virus outbreak at daycare, Kaylin is home again today. She's not feeling all that badly, but she had enough of a fever that we were turned away at the door this morning. I wanted to cry. I felt like a bad parent trying to dump their sick kid on their daycare provider. But I know my own child and I know that, except for feeling really warm, she's fine. She's been eating really well and has been playing all morning. Of course, you have to keep the other children in mind too. Were Kaylin sick, I wouldn't want her to pass it on to the others. Better safe than sorry.

In other, happier news, we went to the zoo on Saturday for a quick visit to our primate friends, the gorillas and orangutans. Kaylin had a ball walking around, pointing at the animals, calling the tiger ("tiiiiii-guh!") and just plain being cute. I'm so glad we bought the zoo membership this year. It's definitely been worth it. And for anyone thinking of going to the zoo right now, there are no crowds and the parking is free! Woo hoo!


Anonymous said...

We have a pretty good zoo here in London too! It's called my sideyard when I let Clifford and Skylar out in it. Admission is only $45.98!

Anonymous said...

It's too bad the daycare didn't turn away the little buggers who've been making Kay-Kay sick over the last weeks.

Auntie Sweater

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could get her one of those white face masks that doctors wear. It would be hard for the daycare to make a case for sending her away with one of those on!!
