Monday, September 25, 2006

The joys of daycare

For those of you who tune in regularly (all three of you), you'll know that I've regretably returned to work while Kaylin has started daycare. It's been tough. I miss my days with my baby girl. When the weather is nice, as it was this morning, I long for the chance to go for a walk with Kaylin in her stroller and admire the fall colours. And when I'm feeling extra drowsy at work. I wish it was nap time so that mommy could have a nap too.

Alas, there are bills to pay, as I always say. Daycare does have its benefits, though. Kaylin started walking just before she began but was slow to practice her steps. Now, with all her little friends walking around, she's feeling the pressure. She's toddling all over the house now and even broke into what I would call a "speed walk" tonight.

She's also picked up lots of new signs. She knows to sign "more", "please", and "all done" during dinner time. She's also brought home the sign for "frog" and even has actions to show us when we all sing "Twinkle Twinkle" and "The Itsy Bitsy Spider". It's really exciting to know that she is learning new things every day.

Of course, Kaylin has also picked up something very bad at day care: a cold and ear infection. It's taken us over a week, but after two trips to the walk-in clinic, we seem to have this thing beat.

As for me, I've learned that I have a very special little girl and that the days just aren't the same without her.