The infrequent ramblings of a confessed baby-toe lover.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
A few more pics
...and in response to a recent post on cousin Brenda's site: I have the cutest baby! (alright, let's agree that BOTH our babies are the cutest and call it a draw. Or we can let the babies wrestle it out at Christmas time...)
Can't comment on Brenda's kid, but my god you guys made a pretty cute kid… in spite of Brian! ;)
Yup - she sure is adorable and I love that hair. I think we should agree that our girls are equally cute because I'd hate to see scars on either baby's face if they had to fight it out. :-)
I'm just another one of those 30-something women who is obsessed with her adorable kids and has nothing better to do but ramble on about said children. Enjoy!
Can't comment on Brenda's kid, but my god you guys made a pretty cute kid… in spite of Brian! ;)
Yup - she sure is adorable and I love that hair. I think we should agree that our girls are equally cute because I'd hate to see scars on either baby's face if they had to fight it out. :-)
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