Friday, April 18, 2008

Monkey #2

Well, if you haven't heard by now or if you haven't seen my expanding belly lately, allow me to proudly announce that we're expecting baby #2 this October.

Yes, we're very excited.

No, we don't know we're having yet.

And yes, Kaylin knows. We told her very early, possibly too early. Now she has to wait and wait. Not that she really cares. She really has no concept of what it means to have a sibling, so why should she. But she does tell people from time to time that she's going to be a big sister. Her exact words are: "I'm going to be a big sister and teach the baby to be a monkey, ooh ooh aaah ahh!"

So get your bananas ready. Monkey #2 is coming!


Anonymous said...

oh KK you are going to make the best big sister!!!!

Congrats again kids!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!!!!! I know KayKay will be the best big sister ever. I am so happy for all of you. Sending big hugs your way. OOOOOOOOO

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! Congratulations you guys - what wonderful news. I can't wait to meet monkey #2 at Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Char and Brian! What exciting news. Curly hair number 2!!! Stock up on detangler now. Leslie