Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Going once, going twice....SOLD!

I'm thrilled to announce (at the risk of jinxing a conditional offer) that our house sold last Friday. Yiipppeee!!! The closing date on this house is March 16, which gives Kaylin enough time to pack up the entire house while I sit on the sofa eating bon-bons and watching Ellen. You're never too young to learn to use a tape gun, I say.

And oh yeah, I only have 7 more days of working for the man left! Then I'll be working for the toddler. I cannot wait. Duties will include taming that friggin' hair on an hourly basis, picking peas up off the kitchen floor, and convincing the toddler that watching the Baby Beethoven DVD for a 16th time is not a good idea. The benefits are good though (including frequent hugs and full access to ten tiny toes), so I don't mind.


Anonymous said...

Plus when you get down here, there's another person I know who will be working for the wee boss during the daylight hours!

Congrats on the house sale, we can't wait till you guys are down here full time, since we think you two are swell and all… (the jury is still out on Kegger though)

Anonymous said...

This is how Nika and her mommy are feeling :-(

We'll MISS you!!!

Anonymous said...

I can not wait to meet the 'daughter'. I am sooo excited for you to be in London. Hey you have a kid? Can I meet her????

I love the picture by the way!!!!