Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Genh! (Translation: "Again!")

I've had other parents warn me not to teach Kaylin the word "no"to early, lest she pick it up and start using it liberally, as all toddlers do at some point. I'm happy to say that she's still in the head-shaking "no" stage and has not yet learned the actual word. However, there is another word that I wish she hadn't learned until she was eight, and that is "again".

You see, once Kaylin learned "again" (and once we figured out that "genh" meant "again"), she tapped into a new power she had never before experienced. By saying that simple word, she can listen to the same song over and over, she can watch the same show over and over, and she can play the same games over and over. And over and over and see my issue here?

Tonight during bathtime, I read "The Fuzzy Duckling" about ten times in a row. Thankfully it's only five pages long (not a great read, I do not recommend it). Each time the spotted calves' "moos" got louder and the hungry pigs' "oinks got sillier--it's all I could do to stay interested in the storyline!

After that I did the old "here is the church" finger game for her...fifteen times in a row. Funny thing is, I showed her that one a week ago and she did not see the humour in it. Tonight it was apparently amusing. Or maybe she didn't know how to say "again" last week. Who knows.

In other verbal baby news, Kaylin now points to the toilet and says "pee pee". I just think that's hilarious and had to share. :)


Anonymous said...

re: Fuzzly Duckling… 5 pages is almost too long for me. Is there a movie version out there? ;)

Brian G said...

That child is seriously cute! I can't wait to be home to smooch you two again.