Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Mmmmmmm, wallpaper paste

OK, so I take back all my feelings of remorse over feeding Kaylin solids. It's not sad at all, it's FUN! Who knew?

Kaylin had her first non-boob meal just over a week ago. We started with good ol' rice cereal. (Why do they call it cereal? Why not just name it what it is for God's sake - mush.) Brian picked up some President's Choice organic rice mush which, when mixed with water, smells and looks like wallpaper paste. Thankfully Kaylin has not yet tasted actual wallpaper paste, so she's none the wiser.

The first spoonful was greeted with curiosity. But as soon as she realized there was something foreign on her tongue, a look of "what the hell is in my mouth?" swept over Kaylin. This was quickly followed by a look of "Finally, something new! Gimme more!"

Not the type to sit back and let someone else do the driving, Kaylin decided by her third spoonful that she would control the spoon. So with each swoop of mush, she grabbed the spoon handle and drove the mush into her own gob. (Don't worry, I continued my deathgrip on the spoon so that it didn't end up halfway down her throat.) Her coordination is not bad for a tiny human, with only the odd glob of mush making its way to her cheek.

And so the solids have begun. Since that day, she has also enjoyed some lovely barley mush. Tomorrow she tries oat mush. And next week, she's moving to the non-mush food groups - veggies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It;s so nice having you a week ahead of us...it makes me less afraid of taking the big step with Tasha to solids. She is begging at this point, but I will press on to saturday.