Of course, with the yin comes the yang. We returned from five glorious and sunny days to the largest, most foreboding storm cloud you've ever seen: our sick and cranky toddler. Maybe it's just the juxtaposition of carefree and child-free luxury against the humbling and depressing normalcy of wiping toddler snot every five minutes, but last week was a real low point for me.
It wasn't even the snot. Snot is no biggie. I can handle snot or anything else a toddler body can spew at me. (And I did handle other spewings, trust me.) It was the whining, clinginess and tantrums that just about did me in. Oh the tantrums. Our record was five in one day.
Though it was just a few days ago, I look back on the whole experience like I do childbirth; I've miraculously managed to block out the pain. All I can recall at this point is flustered haze of tears and stomping feet...and that was just me!
Either way, it looks like the worst is over. Kaylin is feeling better and somewhat reassured that mommy and daddy won't be leaving her for another long vacation anytime soon. And I am battered and bruised, but happy to have my smiling girl back with me. I wouldn't trade that gorgeous smile for all the winning slot machines in Vegas.
What you wouldn't trade her for a $20 coffee and muffin?
I'm glad that you & Brian had some couple time, much needed & well deserved.... When Kaylin was sick at daycare, all she wanted was to be held & rocked.... It seems that when Mommy & Daddy go away it is normal for them to come back to an upset or sick child no matter what the age... My Grandson has done this at least three times to his parents... I'm so happy that Kaylin is feeling better... Big Hugs to all.
That is a fantabulous picture of the Wynn!
What does your going to Vegas have to do with Kaylin?
Uncle Dennis
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