Thursday, March 22, 2007

Four wonderful minutes! (An update on Kaylin's general health)

London is by no means a small town. There are over 325,000 people here. So you'd think that the chances of finding a new doctor for Kaylin, let alone one near our house, are pretty slim.

WELL, not only did we find a great pediatrician for the Kay-Kay, but he is less than four minutes away!! We can walk there on a nice day. This is amazing, considering we used to drive from Ajax to North York -- a 35 minute drive! I can't believe our luck. Yayyyyy London.

In other Kay-Kay health news, our little miss got her first shiner this week after a little too much horsing around on the sofa. (Note, the wacky hair you see has nothing to do with the sofa incident; that's just bad hair.) As the name "toddler" indicates, she's not too steady of her tiny toes sometimes. I'm sure it's just the first in a long line of bruises we'll see.

(By the way, the black eye and the doctor visit were not related, just bad timing on our part. The doctor visit was just a meet and greet. Nothing I like better when meeting a new pediatrician than to have him notice my kid's black eye and ask questions like, "did she lose consciousness when it happened?" and "did she vomit?" Ummm, no and no, but thanks for asking.)


Anonymous said...

Poor little thing :-(
and I agree, what a perfect timing..hee heee

Anonymous said...

I bet when Daddy tells the story, she was in training for UFC when she got the shiner.

Anonymous said...

WE MISS YOU!!! So glad to hear you found a good Ped. thats awesome! Sorry to hear about Kay-Kays Shiner. Was she dancing?