Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A fond farewell

All good things must come to an end, right? Well, it was with much sadness that I stopped nursing Kaylin this past week. Despite a rough start, we had almost 15 months of nursing success. I'm so thankful that things worked out so well. What a wonderful way to bond with my baby girl.

I found nursing particularly special since Kaylin really isn't an overly affectionate baby. Each nursing session let me be close to my independent little lady without her struggling to get away. That's not to say that we don't get the odd hug from her. But unless she's really tired, Kaylin-hugs usually lasts less than 2 seconds. Sighh, unrequited love.

We've been slowly weaning since she started solid foods. As of October, we were down to one feeding at bedtime, which was a nice way to end her day. I worried that the last "session" would be more difficult and filled with tears (on my part, not hers). But it came and went with little fanfare.

I tried not to think of it as an ending, but an opportunity for us to find new ways to be close. I now enjoy giving Kaylin a warm sippy cup of milk at night. Holding her in my arms as she lays back and gulps away is almost as nice as nursing. And she actually looks me in the eye when she drinks, instead of pinching my arm skin as she tended to do while nursing.

So a fond farewell to nursing!

(PS - If anyone wants to go out for dinner or a movie, I'm now free between 7 and 8pm each night!)


Brian G said...

Congrats mommy, you did your part and gave our little girl a great head start, and really helped boost her immune system in the beginning.

A little note about that picture, she found one of my baseball caps, and put it on her own head, then walked around with it falling over her eyes for a few minutes. I spun it around backwards "Gangsta style", and she loved it, keeping it on for quite a while.

She's such a little goof, and she's got more than a little of me in her...heaven help poor Charlene.

Anonymous said...

congrats Char - that is amazing... I hope I can give our little one the same amazing start you gave little mis k-k!!!!

Anonymous said...

Char, I know it must be sad, but you should be so proud that you were able to give Kaylin such a wonderful gift for so long. And not to worry, you'll find other special ways to bond with her.... one day you'll be able to go to the spa together!