Thursday, July 13, 2006

Kitties, kitties everywhere!

Great news for all you cat-lovers out there; Kaylin has said her first official word, and it's "kitty". While she may have pronounced the "words" dada and mama a few months ago, she never made the connection to Brian or me. But now, when she sees her white stuffed kitty that meme gave her, she points emphatically and says, "ki-eee!"

It's like that scene from "The Miracle Worker" when something clicks in little Helen Keller's mind as Anne Sullivan holds her hand under the water pump in the yard and she begins to understand language. "She knows! She knows!" we scream throughout the house, "She understands!" (OK, so it's not quite that dramatic, but still thrilling nonetheless!)

Kaylin knows more words too. While she looks through her favourite picture books, we can ask "where is the apple/banana/puppy?" and she points at the correct image. It's amazing!

The funniest word, however, is "duck". For months I've been singing the song "Five Little Ducks" to her, which includes me making quacking motions with my hands. Now when we say the word "duck" to Kaylin, she quacks her little hands! It's sign language at its finest. She also waves and claps on command.

She's our own little trick pony! I always wanted a pony.

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